Cambridge Street in Little Sicily, Chicago.
Locals called it Little Hell.
It was the Roaring Twenties.
Crooked cops and dirty politicians ran the city.
Bootleggers, mobsters, pimps and murderers thrived.
Cambridge Street in Little Sicily, Chicago.
Locals called it Little Hell.
It was the Roaring Twenties.
Crooked cops and dirty politicians ran the city.
Bootleggers, mobsters, pimps and murderers thrived.
Immerse yourself in the saga of a young immigrant family. See the world through their eyes. Walk the streets of 1920s Chicago with them; rise and fall with their triumphs and failures. You will not soon forget them.
Arba Sicula (Sicilian Sunrise)
St John’s University, Queens, New York
Book Review by Nino Provenzano, Sicilian American Poet
“This novel is rich in detail. In the pages of Cambridge Street the reader will find the importance of family values, will encounter the honest hard-working immigrant, the good Samaritan, the hardened criminal, the corrupt politician, the rotten cop, the good cop, the good neighbor, the priest who is a doer, a courageous man who puts his life on the line, to save innocent people.
Anyone who calls himself or herself an American, other than a Native American, should be able to identify his or her ancestors with this immigrant story. This novel is a great subject for an historical movie.”
Primo Magazine Book Review by Truby Chiaviello, Publisher and Editor
“Author Decker is to be praised for writing an excellent novel. His words make for an entertaining love letter to his immigrant grandparents and his home city, Chicago. Cambridge Street is to be relished. A great book!”
Italian American Foundation Book Review by Linda Binkley
“Cambridge Street is Mr. Decker’s first novel, and I really must compliment him on his outstanding character development. Not just the Tomasos (the main characters) but all the peripheral characters, especially Father Edo and the satanic Gazzo, are multi-dimensional and unforgettable. It was an enjoyable read and the pages just flew by. Mr. Decker – you are an amazing author.”